
Rice cookers are kitchen appliances that are specifically designed to cook rice to perfection. These devices come in various sizes and shapes, but typically consist of an outer container that holds a heating element and a removable inner pot for cooking the rice. Rice cookers use an automatic timer and temperature control system to ensure that the rice is cooked evenly and without burning. They typically work by bringing the water to a boil, then reducing the heat and cooking the rice until all of the water has been absorbed. Rice cookers are easy to use, requiring only a few simple steps, and can produce perfectly cooked rice with minimal effort. They are a popular appliance in many households, particularly in Asia where rice is a staple food. 

A pizza oven is a specialized oven designed specifically for cooking pizzas. These ovens typically feature a high temperature range and a unique design that allows for the creation of perfectly cooked, crispy crusts and melted cheese.

Traditionally, pizza ovens are made of brick or clay and are heated by burning wood or coal. However, modern pizza ovens may also be electric or gas-powered. Regardless of the heating method, pizza ovens are designed to quickly reach and maintain high temperatures, often exceeding 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

One of the defining features of a pizza oven is its shape. Pizza ovens are typically circular or oval, with a low dome and a flat floor. The low dome allows for even heat distribution, while the flat floor provides a surface for the pizza to cook on.

Pizza ovens are a popular choice for pizza restaurants and home pizza enthusiasts alike, as they allow for the creation of authentic, delicious pizza with a perfectly crispy crust.